Pesach Cleaning Checklist
For all the years I’ve helped my Type A mother (hi, Ma!) prepare for Pesach, I was always fascinated by her organization skills, and how she’s so prepared with a perfect Pesach cleaning checklist so that not a single detail is missed. A few weeks ago Rochel shared an Erev Shabbos checklist so I figured it’s time to share my mom’s Passover cleaning checklist! Disclosure: this post contians commissioned links.

Pesach can make anyone’s head spin but having a good list can help you get the small jobs that add up out of the way so that you don’t get stuck with a last minute rush. While I’ve never made Pesach before on my own, I spent years helping my mother in the weeks leading up to Pesach. So while I can’t offer you tips and tricks to handle the tasks, I can share with you my mother’s secret weapon: her Pesach cleaning checklist.

Download your free printable Pesach cleaning checklist:
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How to use this Passover cleaning checklist:
I kept this printable as an editable document so that you can use it as a starting point and make it yours.
Just open it in any document (Microsoft Word, Google Docsetc) editor and add what you’re missing, remove what you don’t need. Copy and paste the “bedroom” section for each bedroom in your house and assign it an actual name (Sarah’s room, guest room, etc.)
If you have a living room and a den rather than a playroom, you can copy and paste living room twice and rename it den. Just use this Passover cleaning checklist as your template to create something that works for you.

For the kitchen, I added four checkboxes next to each category. You can copy and paste more checkboxes as needed. For example “Top D cabinets” stands for your dairy wall cabinets. If you have fewer than four, remove some checkboxes, if you have more, copy and paste more as needed. M stands for meat. Copy and paste those lines with P for Parve if needed.

In our house, growing up, the Passover cleaning checklist also served as an incentive (in addition to the bars of Kosher for Pesach chocolate that we were rewarded with…) Whoever cleaned a certain area got to check it off the list. It gives such a satisfying feeling.
Wishing you all a happy and kosher Pesach!
What would you add to this Pesach cleaning checklist? Who does most of the cleaning in your house? Comment below!

Hi, I have been trying to download the list but when I put in 0 and push “I want this” it just loads again without downloading or anything.
Hi Bridget – did you get it in the end? I don’t know why this is happening, but if you email me [email protected] I’ll send it to you directly. Put “Pesach Cleaning Checklist” in the subject line so that I don’t miss it.
It feels so strange to see my pre-Pesach mainstay of many years laid out for the public. I like the way you reorganized it, Menucha, to be more generic.
I would just like to add that once you’ve overcome the hurdles of your first Pesach, it is so very rewarding! And that’s not a hint, Menucha – it’s also very rewarding to spend Pesach surrounded by your nearest and dearest.
Hatzlacha to all, and a chag kosher v’sameiach!
Hi Ma! Yeah, I figured most people don’t have “tree room” on their to-do list… 😉 Thanks for sharing – It’s been helpful to many. And I’m not taking it as a hint – with a bread-toting toddler in a small, open apartment, Hashem would need to be ultra forgiving for us to do Pesach right now. I can’t wait!
Thank you so much for your checklist, I lost my yearly list in cyberspace and in a panic went to Google which brought me to you saving me in my time of need.
Thank you and Have a Chag Kasher Vsamaech
I’m glad it helped you, and I’ll share with my mom who made the original list – she’ll be happy to hear! Chag Sameach!
Wonderful tips and thank you for sharing this post! I needed some guidance for my upcoming spring cleaning at home!