Kotel Art – Glue Resist + Free Printable Templates
Make art! This Kotel art project uses the very basic glue resist method along with watercolors and is perfect for Tisha B’av or 9 Days crafting. The free printable templates mean anyone can make it – toddlers through adults, and everyone in between. This post contains affiliate links.

I was brainstorming crafts to do for the 9 days and Tisha B’av (days of morning for the destruction of the Holy Temple, culminating in a fast day and extra mourning.)
Someone suggested a process art, and then I realized that I’ve done very little that represents Israel, so I figured the timing is perfect.
I had so many ideas for Kotel process arts so stay tuned for two more ideas coming along in the next few months PG. I stuck with the same basic template for all, and will show you how to use it.
Today, I’m sharing a more basic glue resist.

It’s really simple for any age group:
- Younger kids might need help outlining their Kotel stones and can then go to town with the watercolors.
- Adults might try to create more realistic texture, stone by stone.
- And anyone can simply have fun, relax, and let the colors flow.
It’s actually perfect for toddlers who tend to use all the colors and end up with brown!

The Template:
The Kotel template comes with four styles: one very zoomed in with big stones (the one I used here), one a bit further back, one that encompasses a larger section of the wall, and one with the same section, within a black frame.
It was created by actually tracing over part of a photo of the Kotel I took during our trip to Israel last year.
To make Kotel art using a basic glue resist method, you’ll want to trace it on a fresh sheet of cardstock or watercolor paper. It’s hard to trace through thick cardstock so either:
- Copy it visually instead of tracing or
- Use carbon paper to trace it lightly onto your new paper and glue next to the lines instead of on them – so that you can erase them when your glue is dry.
- Use a lightbox if you have one
- OR you can do what I did and just do it in a well-lit area and don’t stress if it’s not perfectly accurate.
Download the Kotel art template:
Materials you’ll need for your Kotel Art glue resist:
- White glue
- Watercolor paints (I used this palette)
- A good, soft paintbrush. I switched in middle because the thinner, coarser one I was using wasn’t blending nicely. For little kids just use whatever, but if you’re really trying to get a certain look, go for soft, round, and slightly larger than what would come with the palette.
- The template printed out
- Card stock or watercolor paper
- Paper clip or masking tape
- Optional: scissors
- Baby wipes
Kotel Craft instructions:
1. Secure your paper to your template using a paper clip or masking tape.

2. Start drawing your Kotel with glue.

3. When your glue is completely dry (I recommend waiting overnight) paint your Kotel! On this one, I used different shades of brown, some orange and yellow, and a touch of deep red.

I really relaxed, used a lot of water for a lighter wash that blends nicely, and didn’t get too specific with the placement of my colors.

4. Your glue might not totally repel the watercolors, but the color won’t stick well to it. I used a baby wipe to gently remove whatever color came off easily. Leaving some is what gives it a really cool effect – but you do want those areas to be lighter.

5. When it’s dry, you can trim the edges if you’d like!

I wonder if this can be done on fabric/canvas. It would be a great decoration for a wall in out sukkah.
A few concerns with that: you need a glue that’ll be raised and not absorb, so hot glue gun might be a better option.
Another concern: I don’t know how the colors would respond – you might prefer to use fabric paint on a fabric panel. So you won’t have the same free-flow that very thin watercolors might give you, but you can definitely paint it in with some sort of permanent paint. Great idea!