Lag Ba’omer Bonfire Hat
Enjoy this free printable Lag Ba’omer bonfire hat – a fun and easy free printable craft that’s perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. When you’re done, try this sefirah chart too! This post contains affilite links.

Because it squeezes up so tightly against Pesach, and at that point I’m already scrambling to get my Shavuot ideas out, I rarely have time to think about small things like Lag Ba’omer.
But Lag Ba’omer is one of those holidays that’s best celebrated with crafting, because without much structure, it becomes what you make of it.

I wanted a fun and easy craft that toddlers and preschoolers can make to learn about the holiday, and so a coloring page seemed obvious. I decided to make a crown so that it’s a craft that they can wear home. I see how proud A is of the crowns she makes and wears home (she does call them all birthday hats…)

Each crown prints on a a page with an extra strip to fit around the head. It just about fit around A’s two-and-a-half year old head, with plenty of hair. You can simply cut additional strips of paper to make it fit larger sizes.
I printed mine on paper, and it worked okay. It’ll definitely be more sturdy printed on cardstock.

You can color yours with markers, allow kids to paint or do-a-dot if they want to get craftier, and even embellish if you’d like.
I finished it off with double sided tape which worked fabulously. Use the glue-line type rather than the cello tape style as I found it simply sticks better and is less frustrating to use.

A is SO proud of it, even though I obviously colored hers (she was in school and I needed to get this ready)..
Toddlers love wearing crowns, and they love dress up and so it’s a fabulous way to celebrate Lag Ba’omer – without actual fire! And preschoolers would love this too!
What you’ll need
- The template printed on paper or cardstock (recommended)
- Markers, crayons, or whatever floats your boat
- Scissors – if kids are cutting it, make sure to use age-appropriate scissors
- Recommended: glue lines or double sided tape.
How to assemble your crown
1. Print out your crown. You can hand it just like this to your child to color in. The top portion is the front, and the extra strip is to tape it around the child’s head.

2. Your child can colori n as much as they want.

3. Cut it out. You can cut all the way to the edge of the paper if you think you’ll need the full width – it’ll overlap a little.

4. Connect the main crown to the strip on one side.

5. Measure around the child’s head to complete the circle.

Your Lag Ba’omer Bonfire crown is complete!

Now watch your child sport it proudly!

Download your free Lag Ba’omer Bonfire Crown
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