Printable Haggadah Coloring Book
This printable Haggadah coloring book is a smaller table-friendly size to make your life easier! Kids can also hold it! If you want something super special that you can craft for your child, check out the sensory Haggadah template too. This post contains affiliate links.

I’m excited to share with you a new type of printable Haggadah coloring book; these Haggadah flashcards!
They were a passion project to illustrate, with the young girl modeled after my own Princess A, and the other two kids modeled loosely after my big boys.

My kids advised me on which illustrations to do and cheered me on along the way! The result is hopefully a relatable, kid-friendly way for kids to get involved with the seder.
The idea of this mini Hagaddah is that it doesn’t take up excessive space on the table! Each card is 5×7 inches, and it flips over, so it doesn’t need to lay flat. Obviously, its for younger kids since there is no actual Haggadah text.

I created it in both Hebrew and English versions so that you can print the one that works best for you.

The illustrations vary in detail – some are definitely quite detailed and some are simpler. Kids can color as much of it as they’d like.
If you want a simpler Haggadah option for toddler and younger preschool, you can check out this Haggadah for kids. It’s also a full-page Haggadah, and the drawings are simpler because it was designed as a do-a-dot Haggadah.
You can laminate the small cards to protect them and kids can follow along with the seder visually, using a Haggadah that they colored themselves.

At first, I planned to use a single book ring in the corner to assemble it. I ended up placing two on top.
What you’ll do will depend heavily on your personal preferences for how it’s used. With one book ring, it’s more like flashcards. With two, it works more like a book.
Alternatively, you can attach sticks to make them as puppets or prompt cards. Or, attach three smaller rings to make a book. You can also “bind” it with ribbon.

Download the printable Haggadah coloring book
This download is a premium download available at an affordable price in my Etsy shop. Your purchase includes all versions (Hebrew, English, English explanation) in PDF and PNG format. You also get printable instructions.
How to Assemble Your Printable Haggadah Coloring Book
What you need
There are different ways to assemble it – I’ll share the way I did it!
- The printed Haggadah coloring book
- Markers, crayons, etc
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Thermal laminator and laminating pouches
- Hole punch
- Book rings
1. Color in your cards.

2. Cut them out.

3. If printing on paper and laminating, you can glue them back to back to make it two-sided.

4. Not a must, but I recommend laminating your cards.

5. Cut it out around the laminated edge.

6. Punch a hole in the corner of each page (measure it from the first so it’s evenly spaced from the edge.)

7. Attach a book ring.

You can also punch two holes on top and attach two book rings.

Still need to download the printable Haggadah coloring book? You can do so here!