Mah Nishtanah Prompt Cards – Four Questions of Passover Craft
I hope you enjoy this Four Questions of Passover craft for kids! These Mah Nishtanah prompt cards are designed to jog some memories and can be used in multiple ways. Want a full Haggadah craft? Check out this interactive Haggadah template for kids! This post contains affiliate links.

The best ideas come about when you actually need something. Last year, as my preschooler was struggling with saying Mah Nishtanah at the Passover seder, I thought “wouldn’t it be cool if we had some kind of prompt card to hold up to remind him?” And so, as soon as chag was over, I jotted this idea down on the “to do next year” list. *
Kids often stand for Mah Nishtanah. They look around. So while they may have a kids Haggadah that they put together in school, having the ability to hold – or have a parent hold up – a visual cue can be super helpful. In fact, this can be used as part of an interactive Haggadah assembled in school! Just add a paper pocket to the Maggid page and slip these inside.

This Four Questions of Passover craft is designed to be printed as 5×7 cards. I chose this size as it’s large enough for kids to see from across the table but still small enough for them to hold or use as puppets. And if you want it smaller, you can still print it at a percentage of the actual size.

Other modifications you may want to make:
I debated adding certain details but decided to keep things simple, to a drawing to avoid visual clutter for the kids. However, these are details that are simple to add yourself!
- Numbers: I did not order the cards. You can do this by writing a number on each card or, my favorite idea, allowing the kids to add number stickers to the card or the stick.
- A divider: I had planned on a line dividing the images. You can add this yourself with a ruler. I preferred to have it without and it’s easier to add than to remove.
- The words: The words are a trickier one, as it’s a bit harder for you to add yourself. I chose to leave it off as the whole point of the card is to serve as quick visual for the youngest, likely a non-reader. And then there’s the slippery slope of whether to add it in English or Hebrew or both… I recommend opening the PDF in Adobe Reader, choosing “fill and sign” and adding your own text if you want it with text.

The Four Questions of Passover and the Illustrations on the cards
Each illustration features only objects by the “on all other nights” section and a child doing the “but tonight” action.
The four questions of Passover are as follows:
(Intro) How is this night different from all other nights?
- Ö¼On all other nights we eat Chametz (leavened bread) and Matzah; tonight, only Matzah. The illustration features some grain based foods (a cupcake is a must!) with a square matzah, and a girl eating from the three round matzahs often placed on the seder table.
- On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables; tonight only bitter herbs. The top features vegetables that other people’s children eat all year (not mine…) – including broccoli, carrot, and sweet potato. The bottom has a boy eating a leaf of Romaine with horseradish added as a visual.
- On all other nights, we don’t dip our food even once; tonight we dip twice. The Top features a carrot dipping into hummus. I was intentionally ironic with this as we eat lots of carrot and hummus throughout the year, but it’s a good opportunity to highlight the special feature of structured dipping by the Seder. The bottom features a girl dipping both Marror into charoset and a potato into salt water.
- On all other nights we eat sitting or reclining; tonight we all recline. I created a dining chair and a recliner on top and a boy living his best life on the recliner on the bottom.

Download your Mah Nishtanah cards below
Get the color-in version

The black and white color-in version is ideal for preschool teachers building Haggadahs with the class. It’s also nice for parents looking for pre-chag extras to entertain the kids.
Get the full color version

The full color version is ideal as a gift to help kids say the Four questions of Passover or for parents (and grandparents) to print to help out their kids. It’s also a great add-on to class Haggadahs for those who are looking to minimize the amount of work for each page.
How to Assemble Four Questions of Passover Prompt Cards
This is a pretty open-ended Mah Nishtanah craft. Start by printing your chosen cards on card stock.
Here are a few ideas to can assemble either four questions of Passover card set:
- First of all, if you want it to last from year to year (especially the full color version) I recommend turning them into laminated cards.
- You can leave them as is as flash cards and even print them at 50% for a smaller version.
- Do what I did and make them “puppets” and prompts that are easy for a parent to hold up. Just glue on craft sticks. I love using self adhesive craft sticks for things like this.
- Punch a hole and thread them onto a binder ring for a mini book they can flip through.
- Cut an identical shaped blank card from colored cardstock. Cut a flap – a rectangle that’ll cover all the images – on three sides – with one side still attached. Glue the border around the border of your card. Write the number of the question on the outside of the card, lift the flap to reveal the question.

Got more ideas for these four questions of Passover prompt cards? Comment below to share with my readers!
* Did you know that I have a “to do next year” list as long as a CVS receipt? I have so many ideas and so little time! The best way you can help me get these out of my head and out into the world is by sharing my content or purchasing content upgrades and my premium printables. This allows me to hire out more so that I can share more!