50+ Crafts for Hanukkah for Toddler through Adult
Looking for some fabulous crafts for Hanukkah? Look no further! This list includes over 50 ideas for everyone in the family – and all are appropriate and mindful of true Chanukah traditions. This post contains affiliate links.

If you’re Jewish and searching Pinterest or Google for crafts for Hanukkah, you’ll find the following:
- Blue and silver tinsel
- Hanukkah ornaments
- Hanukkah gnomes
- Christmas crafts
- Dreidels with upside down letters
and more along those lines. While I’m not one to toss cultural acceptance to the side, and I truly appreciate the diversification of this season, it can be frustrating if you’re looking for crafts that are true to Hanukkah traditions and Jewish practice.
I decided that I need to try and fix that, one craft at a time. But there’s just so much I can do, so I decided to compile a list (which I hope to update regularly) of tasteful Hanukkah crafts.
While this list is sorted by age, I placed these Chanukah crafts in the youngest age category I thought reasonable. So if you’re looking for toddlers, you may want to skim through only the toddler section, but if you’re looking for school-age kids, you’ll want to skim toddler through “kids”.
I hope you find what you’re looking for, but if you’re not, definitely drop a comment at the end of this post!
Hanukkah Crafts for Toddlers
Even the youngest family members need crafts for Hanukkah and I’m happy to share some ideas! This is A’s first year in a playgroup and I see two common denominators in the crafts she brings home: coloring and stickers.
Which crafts for Hanukkah you choose depends on your main goal: a functional craft to take home or full toddler involvement. However, in order to make this list, the toddler must have at least a meaningful role in its creation, even if that’s mostly just coloring it.
Chanukah Puppets Coloring Pages by Jewish Moms and Crafters

It might be a hard sell as a toddler craft when I show you the version that I colored using professional art markers, but your toddler is perfectly fine at scribbling familiar images! Hanukkah traditions are brought to life with these color-and-craft puppets. They’ll need a grown up to cut them out, and probably to attach the stick too. You can also get a story character version of these here.
Hanukkah Stamping Painting – My First Chanukah by 3 Dinosaurs

A simple stamped painting is a fabulous craft for Hanukkah for toddlers to create! You can even use it as DIY wrapping paper, add a photo of the child with a Hanukkah item (such as a menorah), or laminate it as a Menorah drip mat to turn it into a functional project.
Hanukkah Suncatchers by Jewish Moms & Crafters

Craft these beautiful and unique suncatchers for toddlers using the simple tissue paper on contact paper method that’s so toddler-friendly! Older kids will have fun with it too. Includes free PDF and SVG templates.
Clothespin Menorah Hanukkah Craft and Coloring Pages for Kids by Moms and Crafters

Years ago, I made a clothespin menorah for my own toddler to “light” (tutorial is later in this post). However, I wanted one that toddlers could actually have a meaningful part in creating. So I made this clothespin version, that even has an adorable number learning component. They will, once again, need a grown-up to cut it out, but you can simplify it and just cut a rectangle around the flame instead of cutting the entire shape.
The clothespin menorah is a fabulous fine motor skill and pincer grasp builder, making it perfect for toddlers. Get the printable here.
Easy Paper Plate Star of David Suncatcher for Kids to Make by Red Ted Art

Suncatchers and other forms of faux stained glass (I share more ideas below) are a very popular Hanukkah craft. They can hang in the window, which is where the menorah is traditionally lit, making it a perfect element in the Jewish family’s Hanukkah setup.
This style suncatcher can even be made by two year olds, if you prep it and allow them to add the color themselves! A has done this style craft, getting fully involved, before her second birthday, making it truly appropriate for toddlers. Red Ted Art shares a free template for the Star of David but she also teaches you how to make it yourself from scratch.
Free Printable Hanukkah Coloring Pages for Kids for Chanukah by Moms and Crafters

There’s nothing like a good old coloring page to get toddlers building those pre-writing skills! This set was illustrated by me eons ago for my friend’s class, and is now free on the blog.
Hanukkah Craft: Egg Carton Menorah by CBC Parents
Pull together recyclables and basic craft supplies to make a menorah that kids can truly “light”. Toddlers play a meaningful part in the creation of this one mainly by painting the elements, but when you’re done, it’s a fun fine motor skill-builder. Theirs might not be as polished as this one, but it’ll still be a fun menorah toy when completed!
Hanukkah Craft for Kids: Finger Print Menorah Keepsake by Moms and Crafters

I crafted this little clay menorah when M was too small to craft, but you can definitely have your littles paint it too! I debated whether or not I should include it in this list, as it’s styled a bit like an ornament in the photos, but we simply hung it elsewhere in our home as a decoration! You can also use it as an ashtray for matches next to the menorah (just use a flame-safe clay and paint).
Parents will be so charmed by their kids’ fingerprints on this one! Just use the thumb to mark the center shamash helper candle.
Simple Star of David Craft for Hanukkah by 2 Paws Designs
When nothing else works, there’s always the good old craft stick star of David! 2 Paws Design really glammed hers up – I just love how it came out!
Toilet Paper Roll Menorah by Happy Hooligans
Pull out the recyclables to make a good old cardboard tube menorah for kids! The youngest kids might want to stick to finger paints instead of incorporating patterns. And if you don’t love using toiler paper rolls for crafting, you can always chop paper towel rolls in half!
Hanukkah Story Coloring Pages by Moms & Crafters

While loads of Hanukkah crafts center around the traditions surrounding the eight days, why not learn a little more about the story and why we celebrate Chanukah? These coloring pages include a temple Menorah with oil jugs, a Maccabi defending the Torah – and himself, and some kids in a cave hiding a scroll while pulling out tops to play with.
Hanukkah Traditions Coloring Pages by Moms & Crafters

Prefer to keep things lighter and more playful for the younger set? These coloring pages focus on the things they’ll see and do! Dreidels, a family of Menorahs, and frying latkes all feature in these pages.
Preschool Crafts for Hanukkah
Preschoolers are starting to develop some real skills beyond scribbling, but they still have their limits! Cutting should be limited to simpler shapes, unless it doesn’t have a real impact on the craft. They can glue (just probably not precisely) and they can actually color a little better!
It’s the perfect time to work on that pincer grasp and develop some pre-writing skills. But most of all: creating something they can use and play with will add a lot of meaning to their Chanukah crafts!
Paper Glasses Craft for Hanukkah by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Which preschooler doesn’t love playing pretend with glasses? These paper glasses are the perfect Chanukah craft for them! Make one set or make them all – the choice is yours! You can finish it off using paper straws, dowels, or the included paper templates.
Pretty Star of David Suncatcher Craft by Kids Craft Room

You’ll see loads of suncatcher crafts in this post – as I mentioned. That’s because they hang in the window near the menorah! This is a lovely and easy kids craft perfect for celebrating Hanukkah. Preschoolers can observe how the Star of David is made of two triangles, and learn how different shapes join together to form larger images.
Easy Paper Plate Menorah Craft by Nurture Store

This pretty menorah craft is easy for children to make from just a paper plate! You can use the printable template to add the candles and hang with a ribbon. Print an extra copy of the template so you have enough for a Shamash, and add a bit of paper to make that one higher. It’s an open-ended and fun craft that your preschool can do most of independently.
Easy Dreidel Craft by Nurture Store

Follow this step-by-step guide to make a spinning dreidel decoration! You can use finger paints or pencils to add decorations and put all together easily using the printable template. I just love how this dreidel spins – just like the real deal!
3D Hanukkah Menorah Craft with Printable Template by Kids Craft Room

Celebrate Hanukkah with this lovely 3D Menorah craft. It has removable candle flames which kids can add all at once or day by day! I love this paper take on the “light your own” kid-safe menorah concept.
Menorah Window Craft – Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins by 3 Dinosaurs

There’s nothing like driving down the roads and seeing Menorahs in the window. It speaks of childhood Hanukkah nostalgia! And depending where you live, you might see many or you might have “menorah hunts” to find those few. This fun craft from 3 Dinosaurs speaks to those childhood memories.
Easy Hanukkah Craft: Make Your Own Gelt! by What Do We Do All Day

Try something new and make your own gelt! You can even go and play Dreidel with it when you’re done! I love how the kids really designed their own gelt here. They can practice writing numbers or drawing symbols on these to make it even more educational.
How to Teach Our Kids to Sew with this Hanukkah Sewing Craft by Coffee and Carpool

Build fine motor skills and beginner sewing skills for kids with this fun Chanukah themed sewing craft. Keep in mind that for preschoolers you shoud use a blunt needle. You may want to pre-poke the holes and outline the image for them to follow.
How to Make Hanukkah Art with Pointillism for Decorations by Coffee and Carpool

Teach kids about pointillism and make fabulous Menorah art! This is another fine motor craft that can help build those pre-writing skills. And kids will be so proud of their gorgeous artwork!
Hanukkah Menorah Craft for Kids by Moms and Crafters

I made this cardboard and clothespin Menorah for M when he was a toddler. However, you can definitely have preschoolers get involved with making it! Pre-cut the base and have them paint or do-a-dot it. They can paint, color, or cover the clothespins with washi tape. And you can always have them glue on cardboard cutouts instead of pipe cleaner flames!
Yarn Wrapped Menorah Craft for Kids by Happy Toddler Playtime
Yarn wrapping is another craft for Hanukkah that builds fine motor skills. Preschoolers will enjoy wrapping those Menorah branches with yarn and then assembling it to make their own gorgeous Menorah art.
Kids & Tweens Hanukkah Crafts
As your kids get older, their crafting skills become more real – and diverse! What one child has no issues with, another might struggle with. I recommend choosing the right thing for your child. And if you’re working with a group, go for something that’s more adaptable to different skill levels, and that can be customized by the child to suit their tastes.
Kids ages 7+ can usually also create really fabulous polished crafts. They might not have experience, and you might not want to hand them “grown up” equipment but they can craft things that just look incredible. And they’ll be so proud when they do!
Drinking Straw Hanukkah Wall Hanging Craft by Creative Jewish Mom

Creative Jewish Mom’s family crafted this wall hanging out of straws, and we love how it looks! The bright neons are a fabulous change from the drab navies (no hate – my house is all navy!) that dominate Hanukkah. For a classier look, you can make them all the same color, or even use Kraft straws.
Easy Hanukkah Pillow Craft – No Sew by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Which kid doesn’t love a plushie to snuggle with? I know mine do! These Hanukkah pillows are a spin off of the classic “no sew throw” summer camp craft but in Hanukkah shapes! The plaid one uses a cheap blanket from Walmart, while the white one is made from fleece by the yard and puffy paint.
And yes, you get a free template to help you along in crafting these.
DIY Penny Spinners Hanukkah Activities by Red Ted Art

Penny spinners are a take on the traditional dreidel, incorporating the theme of gelt as well as giving kids the chance to decorate it. Kids can really express themselves, practice drawing, or stick to simple patterns. Either way, it’ll look so cool when they spin and the colors blend!
Chanukah Candles for Kids by Jewish Moms and Crafters

While many parents already allow their kids to light with fire once they hit school age, if you’re hesitant, you can have your kids make these! Or, they can craft them for a younger sibling.
I crafted these myself so that my kids can light their preschool menorahs without playing with fire. The process is quite simple and kids can have fun making them to use to light or just as a Hanukkah themed craft.
Star of David Craft by Little Bins for Little Hands

This famous artist-inspired Tesselation art project is a simple but fun paper craft for Hanukkah! It’s a great way to incorporate art lessons into holiday crafting, and is the perfect project for your little artist to celebrate Hanukkah.
Hanukkah Watercolor Cookie Cutter Painting by 3 Dinosaurs

Another Hanukkah-centric art class project, these cookie cutter watercolor illustrations are brilliant! Kids can have fun creating watercolor “sketches” in Hanukkah shapes using this little hack. They can grab the opportunity to explore the movement and blending of colors using watercolor paints.
Dreidel Boxes – Free Printable by Jewish Moms and Crafters

I originally made these paper dreidels as a treat box, to replace the plastic ones that are so popular. However, they’re fun regardless – just as a prop for your Hanukkah table or to craft and spin.
While this sample is free, I do have more styles – including color-in versions – in my Etsy shop.
Plastic Canvas Hanukkah Crafts to Make During Hanukkah by Creative Jewish Mom

Throwback to a childhood classic: plastic canvas! Creative Jewish Mom makes it SO COOL! It’s a fun skill-building Chanukah craft for kids and a great new medium for them to explore. They’ll be so proud of the final result!
LEGO Menorah: Have a Creative and Flameless Hanukkah by What Do We Do All Day

The LEGO Menorah is the easiest flame-less menorah for kids to build. Make it using bricks you already have…. and add in a figure to light it too! Kids can “light” it every day! While it’s not a proper craft, it’s still a fun building challenge for kids.
LEGO Menorah For Hanukkah by Little Bins for Little Hands

Want something a bit more aesthetically gorgeous – but much more specific? Challenge the kiddos to build a standing LEGO Menorah for Hanukkah this year! This one just looks so grand!
Hanukkah Garland Origami by Moms and Crafters

Craft a Hanukkah garland as a family using basic origami skills. This incredibly fun dreidel and star of David garland is a fun family craft, or classroom collaboration.
Homemade Golden Chocolate Coins (Hanukkah Gelt) by The Monday Box

Ready for a food craft for Hanukkah? Instead of buying chocolate gelt, make your own! You can even wrap them up all pretty, drop them into one of the paper dreidels from above, and hand them out as gifts.
How to Make a Dreidel out of Clay by Moms and Crafters

I crafted these clay dreidels years ago, and while I do have plans to update the tutorial (stay tuned!) they are still a classic! They’re so fun for tweens to craft at home or in school too. I plan to add a younger kid version too!
Make Festive Chanukah Bunting and Chanukah Cards from Styrofoam Prints by Creative Jewish Mom

Use a spinoff of an ancient printing technique to make Hanukkah art – and then turn it into a gorgeous, classy garland! It’s so cool to see how each one comes out a little bit different.
Decorate Unfinished Wood Dreidels by Jewish Moms & Crafters

The best crafts for Hanukkah are sometimes as simple as finishing off an unfinished element with your own style! In this case, decorate wooden dreidels and add your own touch! I used Woodpeckers dreidels with Uni Posca paint markers.
Hanukkah Dreidel Wall Art by Meri Cherry
Another joint art montage, this one is truly open-ended. And while it can technically be done by toddlers and up, I do think that the real value is when it comes together, and something that bigger kids and tweens can really appreciate.
Hanukkah Menorah Craft Using Recycled Cereal Box by Creative Jewish Mom

Cereal boxes to the rescue! This fun Chanukah craft makes a fabulous centerpiece too. Just customize the colors to your decor to make it match.
Dreidel Suncatchers Hanukkah Craft by Activities for Kids

Ready for another suncatcher craft? See how unique each one is? This one is a fun way to have kids practice the letters on the dreidel. They can easily trace it from whatever you have in Hebrew (flashcards are a great option) since you’re making it with a transparent material.
Dreidel Corner Bookmark by Red Ted Art

If you check out Red Ted Art’s website, they have loads of corner bookmarks which are such a fun, popular craft! They’re useful, relatively easy to make, and inexpensive since they’re made from paper. I’m excited to see that they now have a dreidel version! It’s a perfect little low-mess project for the classroom or at home.
Hanukkah Themed Beaded Sun Catchers on Recycled Lids by Creative Jewish Mom

Yes, it’s another suncatcher – but this one is completely different! Creative Jewish Mom tends to upcycle garbage in the most creative ways. Here, she used plastic lids as the basis for gorgeous beaded suncatchers!
How To Make a Flameless Hanukkah Menorah Safe for Kids by Project Kid
I must say that is one of the most unique flameless menorah I’ve “bumped into” – and I’ve seen many! Made from wooden components, straws and… okay I won’t give it all away. Project Kid definitely put together a cool one here that your kids will just love to craft – and “light”.
Crafts for Hanukkah for Teens & Adults
If adults can make it, teens probably can, so I like to lump these groups together. Save for the ones that are designed for parents to make for their kids, these cool and beautiful crafts for Hanukkah range from DIY menorahs to themed decor and everything in between.
Felt Menorah Pattern – Kids’ Toy Menorah by Jewish Moms and Crafters

This is one of those “why didn’t I think of it sooner” crafts that I pulled together this year for A. While I used the SVG to cut it on my Cricut, it’s simple enough to hand cut the PDF.
Crafting Hanukkah Decorations with Jars by Sustain My Craft Habit

Make some crafts for Hanukkah from the recycling bin! Turn jars into simple and classy Chanukah decorations with this simple upcycled craft! You can use these as vases, to store candle lighting supplies next to your Menorah, as a “gelt jar” (real or chocolate) – the possibilities are endless!
Hanukkah Stained Glass Patterns by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Craft gorgeous stained glass artwork in Chanukah themes! I upcycled thrifted frames, but you can also get some from the Dollar Tree. Or, craft these as window clings.
Hanukkah Lollies by Moms & Crafters

Take a break from the good old chocolate coins tradition and try some themed lollies instead! They’re also easier to get allergy friendly. Simply cut your parts from paper and craft them in minutes!
Menorah DIY – Reusable Oil Burning Wicks by Birdz Of a Feather

Did you know that you can craft your own reusable floating wicks? This is totally something I would love to try some day! It’s one of the more practical crafts for Hanukkah that you’ll find!
Wooden Beaded Star of David Craft by Jewish Moms and Crafters

How cool is this wooden beaded star of David? It’s a really simple tutorial and so much fun to watch come together. I had hoped it would be a coaster, but really it’s best as a simple piece of decor – either for a tray or tiered shelf, or to hang.
DIY Fabric Dreidel Wall Hanging With Stenciled Numbers by Creative Jewish Mom

Stencil fabric to make this bold and colorful wall hanging! What a fun way to add some color – beyond the classic blue and white – to your Chanukah decor.
Chanukah Centerpiece – DIY Jar Menorah by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Go large sale with your crafts for Hanukkah! This jar menorah centerpiece went through an evolution. At first, I crafted it as an actual menorah to use, and then years later I remade it as a centerpiece. The colored water allows light to shine through and looks absolutely gorgeous!
DIY Hanukkah Menorah by Not So Cli-Shéa
This simple tutorial to make a wooden menorah is such a classic DIY menorah project! You may want to work out a way to make it flame resistant, though. Some sort of metal holder for the candles might help.
Dreidel Decoration by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Himmeli is an art that uses brass tubes to make geometric sculptures. This version uses paper straws… It’s quite a bit of work, but when you’re done, you have a gorgeous geometric Chanukah decoration!
Star of David Necklace Craft by Jewish Moms and Crafters

I made these clay stars of David a few years ago and wore them to death! They are so pretty, and you just wouldn’t believe that they’re clay. In the tutorial, I share tips for making two textured metal finishes. And while they’re really a year-round Jewish craft, they totally vibe and make cool crafts for Hanukkah too.
Chanukah Coloring Page for Adults by Jewish Moms and Crafters

Good old coloring is terrific for Chanukah too! A star of David menorah is a low-key adult coloring page that the adults in the family – and everyone else – can enjoy.
Dreidel Napkin Fold for Hanukkah by Moms and Crafters

Decorate your Chanukah table using napkins! This simple dreidel napkin fold is a fun way to bring Chanukah vibes into the room. Notice also in the photos: I took cheap dreidels, spray painted them silver, and dipped some in glitter.
Free Printable Hanukkah Coloring Page for Adults – Latkes Recipe by Moms and Crafters

Ready to get cookin’ latkes? Color this fun page that comes complete with a latke recipe! It was designed as an “adult” coloring page, but it’s really fun for kids too.
DIY Wood and Copper Menorah by Moms and Crafters

A while ago, we made this wood and copper pipe menorah with the help of some better equipped family members. You can probably simplify it to do it yourself too. Regardless, it’s a fun project, and the copper pipes we used oxidized beautifully over the years!
What are your favorite crafts for Hanukkah? Comment below!