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    1. I’m actually not theming the Mishloach Manot this year! Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t and I don’t have patience for it this year ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d say the easiest is probably to go look for favor boxes like the question/mystery blocks for your packaging. You can then simply put in yellow items or loosely related items. Something pipe related? mushrooms? Peaches (for princess peach)?

    1. for Mishloach Manot? You can get ninja themed boxes or bags (it’s a popular party theme, so they’re readily available on amazon, etc. ). Or you can go more specific. If it’s a general ninja, you can go to its Japanese origins and include Japanese food (such as sushi – or sushi candy ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Red fruit by the foot goes too. If it’s Lego Ninjago – lego bricks? If it’s TMNT – pizza…

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