Three-Day Sukkos Menu Plan – Free Printable
Are you ready to make a Sukkos menu plan? There are SO many meals this year! Regardless of whether it’s a three-day Yom Tov or not, Sukkos is definitely one of my favorite holidays. The family time, the outdoors, the fall-inspired meals… it all makes for some wonderful memories. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.

I am not really a Type A personality, but if there is one thing I love, it’s lists. I have a list for everything. Daily reminders, to-do’s, groceries, Shabbos menus, and even my laundry schedule. So a Sukkos menu plan is just another list for me. While a menu plan can seem intimidating, I’ve actually found it to be quite the opposite. It is such a good feeling to know exactly what you’re serving when and what still needs to be cooked.

When it’s a three-day Yom Tov, I find it easier to work with a chart over a list. It’s easier to see what you have planned at a glance, and it’s quicker to see what part of the meal can work for more than seudah.
A concrete menu plan is great because it helps compartmentalize exactly what you will need, what you will be cooking and it will (hopefully) prevent you from going overboard; both with food and your budget. If you’re going out for a meal, just write down the name of your hosts at the top of that column, and cross out the rest of the meal. This will help avoid any confusion while preparing the rest of your Sukkos menu plan.

This Sukkos menu plan is specifically for a three-day Sukkos, but it is not limited to 2017. You can print it out any year that Sukkos falls out with first days and second days being two days of Yom Tov connected to Shabbos. I put in slots for night meals and day meals, but you get to put in the days or dates, whichever way you prefer.

I’ve also included a handy grocery list, divided by category, to make your Yom Tov prep just a bit easier. Some tips I’ve included on the printable will remind you about things like checking your pantry before you shop!
Everybody has different standards for their meals, so I tried to make the menu plan as versatile as possible. I left extra space for things like sides, because while I’m okay with only two sides for the main course, many people will serve four or five sides. There is also space for soup for each meal, even though I personally only serve it at night. (Hot soup in the sukkah at night… mmmm.)

Download your free printable Sukkos menu plan here:
A preview of the Sukkos menu plan: (pages 2 and 3)

Enter your email address into the form below. Check your inbox (and your spam folder if you don’t see it right away) for your files!
You’ll get:
- 1 three-day Sukkos menu plan for first days
- 1 three-day Sukkos menu plan for second days
- 1 Chol Hamoed Sukkos menu plan with a cooking schedule
- 1 grocery shopping list, divided into useful categories

Thanks for great and useful ideas!