The Motherlode of Purim Ideas: Crafts, Decorations, and more!
Purim ideas can be hard to find but I’ve got your back with these cool crafts, decorations, and printables! Find my favorite costume ideas for Purim here. This post contains affiliate links.
One of our goals in life is to become your one-stop-shop for everything Jewish crafting, decorating, and general pretty-making.
And Purim is such a creative holiday, yet so neglected when it comes to Purim ideas! There’s no intense cleaning to be done, there are so many opportunities to get fancy. Actually, Purim is the classic time when Jewish moms everywhere find their crafty side and I am in good company…
So here ya go – plenty of Purim ideas to tide you over for a while!
Purim craft ideas for kids & Adults:
There are so many opportunities for Purim crafts beyond mishloach manot packages and costumes! Do just-for-fun crafts, animate the Purim story, and create your own pretend pay hamantashen.
When planning Purim ideas for classroom crafts or at-home entertainment, think simple. Decorate, color and toss in a little cutting and you have your Purim planned.
Decorate masks – a fun craft for classrooms, or to put out at a Purim party. The trick is to prep the masks in advance – and give plenty of options!
You can also print and color these fun color-in masks. There are styles for kids and grown-ups, making it one of the easiest crafts to put out at a shul party or even a family feast!
Or, feature the Purim characters in your mask making sessions with these fun masks!
Speaking of Purim characters, Purim puppets are the most popular Purim idea on the blog – possibly because they are engaging way to teach the story!
Make some cool Purim tags using basic materials! Paper stitching opens up so many new possibilities!
Craft your own Purim play set – or just use the very simple technique to make the hamantaschen and turn them into accessories, pins, or play food.
Try making a spin drum craft as your Gragger, or opt for paper:
Try making some cool Purim groggers – a craft for any age group! There are absolutely no limits to this one and there are plenty of ways to make it your own. There is even a more complex style dedicated to the big kids and grown ups!
Speaking of grown-ups…
Why do only kids get the coloring pages? These Purim adult coloring pages are great for all age groups (yes, even my preschooler helped me color it) but it was designed with the grown ups in mind. Have fun coloring your heart out while your family packages the Mishloach Manot this year!
There’s nothing like coloring to keep the youngest (or oldest) kids busy so enjoy two free printable coloring pages for kids with quirky Purim-related drawings.
Talk with them about the various Purim traditions as they color.
Enough candy – even juice can be fun! These Purim juice box wrappers are perfect for healthier class hand-outs and double as a coloring page. You can also add it as an extra in your own mishloach manot packages.
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Purim Decorations and Table decor:
I confess, this is one area that I really neglected, and I will be adding some more Purim decoration ideas this year.
Last year, I created a gorgeous tablescape for our Purim feast (and I plan to do the same this year…) I’m going to share some of the tutorials this year- meanwhile, can you spot the 4 DIY projects in this photo?
Check out some of the elements of last year’s Purim tablescape! You can learn how to make a gorgeous Purim decoration hamantaschen pennant banner out of cardstock too. Customize it to fit with your decor. You can make the Purim centerpieces too.
Meanwhile, I’ve created some table decorations and home decor for you to enjoy!
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You can also give this fun Happy Purim banner a go with the free PDF and SVG templates!
Purim Planners, Labels, and more:
Organize your Purim, label your packages, customize mishloach manot bags, plan your menu…
We love sharing the resources to make your holidays easier and Purim is no exception!
They need to know who it came from… which is why you’ll want gorgeous Purim labels on your mishloach manot packages! Grab these free printable Purim labels right here. I also created a new and improved version this year.
Get organized with Rochel’s free printable Purim planner – or get right to the food part with her Purim menu planner.
And if you love doing mishloach manot themes, Rochel also has lots of Purim ideas for how to do that on a budget!
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Purim Costumes and Costume Alternatives:
Of course, you can find ideas for Purim costumes anywhere (bye, Halloween) but if you want something you won’t find elsewhere, I have you covered. From Jewish-themed costumes, to real clothing costume alternatives, I always go for an artsy feel.
Want to dress up as something biblical? Craft a fake beard costume accessory – or print your own Choshen (priestly breast plate) for a Kohen Gadol costume!
Gag costumes and shirts can be classy too as you can see with these sweatshirts and tees!
Got a sensory kid or don’t want to spend much on throw-away costumes? Check out these easy costumes with normal clothes! We love using real clothing for costumes and always try to come up with Purim ideas that can be reused.
Find more of my DIY costumes from previous years!
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Purim Food Ideas:
Okay, these are basically hamantaschen ideas but of course those are the best, aren’t they? And no, I’m not talking about using felt as your main ingredient anymore.
Tip: you can learn how to make hamantaschen here and then you can sub it for premade frozen mini pizza dough rounds, and even wonton wrappers! You’re welcome!
Jelly belly hamantaschen came from my preschooler mishearing – “Morah said we need to put jelly bellies in the hamantaschen” (instead of jelly). And they’ve become a family favorite.
It even doubles as an educational color-sorting activity for preschoolers! Let them do the work while you man the oven of course.
I’ve also been making Rochel’s savory veggie hamantaschen for our family feast.
If you’re not really feeling all that wrapping and pinching try this cheat: make a purim cake instead in the shape of hamantaschen! What?
You hardly even need to know how to frost a cake to try this so give it a go!
Now, if this list was missing something, here’s your chance to drop a comment and let me know which types of Purim ideas you’re looking for that I didn’t share! Point me in the right direction, and you may just find a solution to your Purim probs here next year!